Gospel According To The Rock
How to last in the greater scheme of things. Sometimes things don't change.
Gospel According To The Rock
Second Anniversary
Spiritual catapult ammunition spreads around the world.
produced by static force llc sometimes things don't change.
2nd Anniversary
by Eric Engelmann
All content © 2024 Static Force, LLC
WHEN Are We?
A little past the official second anniversary of the Gospel According to the Rock – November 2, 2024.
Good question. From our coat-closet studio in North Texas, we have touched every continent except Antarctica. By the way, it’s not a high priority for me to reach – yet.
Why Are We Here Now?
I wanted to give a long elevator speech – picture a stranded elevator – about the podcast and have it available. I think I’m getting ready to have a guest on this podcast, and the stranded elevator speech will come in handy.
By Way of Background
I remember a Scripture out of the New Testament in 2 Cor 10 v.4-5
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
Paul doesn’t list here the types of weapons – like spiritual swords – that he and his team were using.
One of the spiritual weapons I picture believers using after Jesus’ ascension is a spiritual catapult. A catapult shoots a large rock against a structure that needs to be demolished. It’s like a long-distance wrecking ball.
Catapult ammunition is made of rock – a little like the living rock in King Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream in the second chapter of Daniel.
According to the book of Daniel, when King Nebuchadnezzar had the dream. somehow he knew he had to have superior wisdom. To understand his dream he was ready to kill everyone on his support team if they didn’t perform. The superior wisdom he learned came from a Jewish slave named Daniel. Here's some of what the emperor saw and learned.
That rock in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream – God’s kingdom – struck an awesome statue and crushed it. By repeated exposure to God’s humble kingdom, the poor dead statue’s materials broke off, were crushed and blown away. What was left was a growing living rock that filled the whole earth.
The statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream had been awesome, but couldn't move, and got obliterated. The rock in his dream had not been especially awesome, but had a mysterious pedigree. In the dream the rock could move and grow, and did the obliterating.
That dream ended with the Kingdom of God winning – casting down everything that exalted itself against the knowledge of the Most High.
This podcast – The Gospel According To The Rock – changes the way people think by showing them – a little bit – who Jesus is and letting people get a little bit of insight from another spiritual viewpoint.
A picture I have related to that Scripture is the picture of a living rock in a catapult. When the rock hits and destroys a wall it starts to release the knowledge of God and the life of Jesus into the world.
In the same way King N needed a Jewish insight to understand his dream, we need to be saved by Jewish blood. The Jewish blood of Jesus was shed for me. Some call His name Yeshua.
In The Future
I plan to have one or more guests on this show. If I do, I’ll need to go to a different format. Up to now, I have kept my episodes to last less than 7 minutes. If I get some of the guests I’m inviting, believe me that 7-minute limit will not continue.
Further in the future, the Most High will fulfill the dream He gave to King Nebuchadnezzar.
As Jesus died and rose without Peter’s understanding or permission, the Most High will continue to grow His kingdom with or without our understanding. He will increase His intimacy with people, and let failed fantasies blow in the wind.
All content © 2024 Static Force, LLC