Gospel According To The Rock
How to last in the greater scheme of things. Sometimes things don't change.
86 episodes
Nine Commandments
Late in 2024 Southeby's will put a tablet with Hebrew engraving on auction.
The Killers
Jesus comes into a synagogue to reveal that some people don't want to receive the promise God gave them.
Two Kinds of Sons
God adopts. Sometimes He's flexible. We look a little more at how Jesus pivoted at a surprise time to show what matters, and what doesn't.
Job and Jesus
The story of Job is twice as old as the Gospel accounts of Jesus. What's the same?
"Long Live Rock!"
Who will live and win? Ecclesiastes says "for a living dog is better than a dead lion."
Nothing About the Holy Spirit
Nothing About the Holy Spiritby Eric EngelmannAll content © 2023 Static Force, LLCI was telling someone about how Jesus changes the nature of things by naming them. Jesus renamed Simon to Peter. Pete...
Jesus Broke the Feet
Jesus Broke the FeetNebuchadnezzar’s first Dream in Daniel chapter 2 showed an imposing statue supposedly minding its own business until a special rock came down and started breaking its feet.The Stone represents ...
You Mean I'm Not Going to Die? Yahweh Shalom.
Gideon saw a staff strike a rock and then heard something he didn't expect.