Gospel According To The Rock

Light Bulb Packaging

Eric Engelmann

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"Our lights don't work"

produced by static force llc sometimes things don't change.

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TITLE: Lightbulb Packaging

SUBTITLE: "Our lights don't work"

MARKETING: Can you read it in the dark?


Lightbulb Packaging

by Eric Engelmann

All content © 2025 Static Force, LLC

When are we?

When the Gospel of John was written, probably after the other three Gospels were published. Probably before 90 AD.


The event we will look at is in or very close to Jerusalem. (I’ll say the event took place in the last half of Jesus’ ministry about AD 29 )


We're going to see something the Gospel of John has to say about Jesus being alone. We're going to take another look at a passage in John 8 to see how the Father’s Presence affected Jesus' dealings with the world.

In our day, some people get the idea that doing the Father's will means you're totally alone. Not so. The Father is present in Christ. The Holy Spirit assures Jesus' spiritual family that the Father is close to Jesus. Trading our attention from this world to yielding and time with the Father can be a good trade.


In one sense, "Being alone" can mean "winging it" or "doing my own will". Jesus made the case that He did the Father's will and was "not alone".

During the life of Jesus on earth, John was one of three 'ordinary' people who went up the Mount of transfiguration with Peter and James. That's where they literally saw Jesus shine. That's also where the Father said to them that they needed to listen to Jesus.


After Jesus died and rose, the Gospels were written. I believe the Gospel of John was published later than the other three.

The Gospel of John is different from the other three Gospels and covers a lot of details that the other three Gospels don't mention -- like conversations about Jesus being the light of the world in John 8. Conversely, the story of the Mount of Transfiguration is not in the Gospel of John -- even though John was one of the three ordinary people at that peak. Even though the Gospel of John doesn't include the story, the insights of it show up in different places.


John 8:12-16

Verse 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

13 The Pharisees therefore said to Him, “You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.”

NOTE: Let's think about something. In our day, packaging "bears witness" to what's inside the package! Will we buy a light bulb with packaging that says, "This light doesn't work?" I wonder how you'd read the packaging if the packaging said, "Our lights don't work."

It's important to see what Jesus says the "light of life" is. I think it's closely related to the message of the Mount of Transfiguration. I'll try and explain after a few verses.

There are lots of ways to think about Jesus' next statement. One way to look at it is to continue thinking about a brand of light bulb in a store.

Verse 14 Jesus answered and said to them, “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going. 

NOTE: It might be a stretch, but that's a little like saying, "I know what brand of light bulb I am and you don't."

Skipping into verse ...

16 My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me.

That's the end of the passage

You might think of the passage as saying, "I am in the light and I can read the packaging on my own label."

The message about the light of the world is a lot like the message of the Mount of Transfiguration. That's where -- in two other Gospels -- a lot of supernatural light appeared and the voice at the Mount of Transfiguration said, "This is my Son, listen to Him!"

This is a kind of "spiritual branding."


John will tell a joke about spiritual branding.

John 9 will tell the story of how Jesus will heal a blind man. The man will have a quote about not knowing the origin of light.

"Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes!"

May we continue to see the light of the World and enjoy working and living with the Father and His Holy Spirit.

All content © 2025 Static Force, LLC

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