Gospel According To The Rock
How to last in the greater scheme of things. Sometimes things don't change.
Gospel According To The Rock
Into My Lap
Sometimes Interesting Conversations Just Come My Way. Some Unplanned Spontaneous Conversations This Week.
produced by static force llc sometimes things don't change.
TITLE: Into My Lap
SUBTITLE: Some Unplanned Spontaneous Conversations This Week.
MARKETING: A listener once asked a question. I thought I was done, but maybe God wasn’t through.
Into My Lap
by Eric Engelmann
All content © 2025 Static Force, LLC
Some times as we follow the Most High we just happen to be in the right place at the right time. Over the past week I have had the privilege of having some conversations about rocks that I was somewhat ready for.
One of them included a lady who volunteers for the same job training outfit I do. She shared how the Most High gave her a personal visceral demonstrative experience with... *rocks*. One day she went to a prayer meeting and someone told her a message from the Most High. After the prayer meeting, she heard words like this: now is the beginning of your deliverance. And then the co-volunteer received a present. A rock.
She showed me a picture. A black rock that looked like it was the shape of a potato.
My co-volunteer pondered this in her heart. That is one thing to do if something unusual happens to you. (You could cite Jesus' mother Mary as an example.)
The next week, someone else gave her a rock. Over a period of 12 weeks, she received rocks of all kinds. One was an unopened geode. Its beauty is still on the inside, the outside just looks like a rock.
By the end of the twelve weeks, she had twelve rocks. Then people stopped giving her rocks.
She pondered this in her heart some more. And she looked at the Scriptures.
When I conversed with her, I mentioned that Joshua brought twelver rocks out of the riverbed of the Jordan. She corrected me and said it was the leader of each tribe who brought the rocks out of the riverbed.
One thing I have in common with this covolunteer is we both have recently studied rocks in the Scriptures. I hope to have her on the podcast sometime. This is the GoseplAcccordin g to the rock not just according to *your humble host*.
I later asked a priest friend of mine if he had to take a class in rocks in seminary. Up to now, this lady and I are the only ones wh I've met who have studied rocks in the Bible. So I asked my priest friend if he ever had to study rocks in the Bible when he went to seminary. He said no. He did have to study rocks in a geology class, but that wasn't in seminary.
As I move on to the other experience I had this week, one theme of this episode is how other people looked at some of the same Scriptures and had details that expressed a slightly different point of view than I had.
So, a day or two later, I went to a breakfast. Another priest just happened to be studying out of Exodus. It was as if he had listened to my recent episode Image of God. It was published on March 4, 2025. The date of this writing is March 8, 2025. My dashboard shows 6 downloads at this time. I'm pretty sure this priest is not one of those three. He has other things to do than listen to my podcast, even though sometimes I wonder how *anyone* could have that problem.
So, at breakfast he just happened to share how Moses was up on Mount Sinai and how during that time there were commands given to Moses. He then -- I'm not kidding -- skipped ahead to the place where Aaron made the Golden Calf. He emphasized some parts of the story that I did not, and what he said in defense of Aaron and his role in making the golden calf might be worth repeating here.
In defense of Aaron, we agreed that the people thratening to stone Moses back in Exodus 17 might have an impact on how courageous Aaron was without Moses around later in Exodus 35.
The priest in charge of the breakfast emphasized that *Moses was not around* when the people came to Aaron and said "Make Us gods to go before us."
Another point -- Aaron didn't replace the Most High God -- he added a companion God. He told Israel to "behold their Gods" plural. Here's a riddle: if there's one calf and there are plural gods, where is the other? It could be Aaron was making the calf as a secondary God to the Most High.
Again, Aaron had to face the crowd without Moses. Moses was the one who heard from God directly. Aaron was used to functioning with Moses. To face the crowd that wanted to *stone* Moses without Moses there was a new experience for him.
That's the end of the two unusual conversations I was in this week. It's rewarding to see some unusual things happen that are mostly in harmony with work I've done behind a keyboard.
May the unusual Love of the Most High grow in our midst through the blood of Jesus and His Spirit.
All content © 2025 Static Force, LLC